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Richard Dawkins: Evidence for Evolution


Bystanders might have thought there was a rock concert going on last night at the IU Auditorium based on the line to get in, which snaked around Showalter Fountain and down the street to the HPER building. But no, it wasn’t Bob Dylan – not yet – it was evolutionary biologist, author, and atheist Richard Dawkins. As many as a thousand people were turned away because the auditorium was filled to capacity. Dawkins is author of “The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence for Evolution”, challenging creationism and Intelligent Design with a comprehensive set of evidence for the scientific theory. Dr. Dawkins’s book and lecture come at a time when the validity of evolution has come under attack by creationists attempting to undermine the status of science in classrooms and in the public sphere, despite the fact that evolution is accepted as a strong scientific theory by all reputable scientists. Tomorrow at 6pm WFHB will broadcast an entire hour with Dawkins, and today you get a sneak peek with highlights from Dawkins’ standing-room-only Bloomington lecture, a WFHB radio exclusive.

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