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Photo Courtesy of the BBC

Parents Ask: What Is A Virtual Graduation?


For Seniors in high school and college, graduation commencement is an event many students can only dream of. The spacious gym flooring, their names called out one-by-one, shaking the principal’s hand, and listening to speeches is what any seniors pray about. This year, the coronavirus has spread more questions than answers. One question remains planted on every senior’s mind, how am I going to walk at graduation?  


On Tuesday, Bloomington South Principal Mark Fletcher announced the possibility of a virtual graduation to take place at 9 am on May 30th.  In an email sent to all parents of graduating Seniors, Fletcher said QUOTEEach senior will submit their own cap and gown picture for the virtual graduation” ENDQUOTE. 


In the email diploma, cap, and gown pickups will be announced on a further date.


Which brings the question of what is virtual graduation? This practice is very common.


According to an article from Columbia University, virtual graduations are not just useful for social distancing but can be beneficial for students who happen to travel and families who could not make it to commencement. QUOTEVirtual Commencement allows family & friends who are unable to attend a ceremony the opportunity to view their graduates and share in this momentous event.ENDQUOTE.


In 2010, Florida State University held a virtual graduation for Medical Science students studying abroad. The goal was to attract students and families to virtually receive their diplomas instead of going to Tallahassee. Using Second Life, a virtual online world where people can partake in social gatherings, college classes, and buy clothes. Administrators and students were able to walk at graduation as avatars. 


In 2015 according to the BBC at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom, students working as doctors were able to graduate as their heads facetime were on IPads connected to a robot decked in a black and gold gown. The students were required to stay at home and receive their diploma, making the robot shake the hands of university staff.  Sir Anton Muscatelli, the principal of the university said the technology is helpful for students who happen to be living somewhere else to continue to walk at graduation. QUOTE “I am delighted that technology has enabled our online distance learning graduates from different parts of the world who are unable to travel to Glasgow to take part in this live virtual graduation ceremony.” ENDQUOTE


For Seniors and their families, time only ticks so fast. Living life is can go so quickly, but with new options to virtually walk at graduation, it has become more accessible for time to stand still.    


For WFHB, I am Braydyn Lents, stay safe.


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