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Photo designed by Madison True and edited by Sydney Foreman.

WFHB Local News – August 21st, 2020


This is the WFHB Local News for Friday, August 21st, 2020.

Later in the program, Diane Walker – contributor for the Limestone Post, continues her conversation with Jacob Sipe – executive director of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority in Part III of her ongoing series.

Also coming up in the next half hour, WFHB Correspondent Katrine Bruner covers the first ever shoe strike, organized by Yellowwood Youth – a youth-led, environmental group.


The Bloomington City Council finished its preliminary hearings for the 2021 budget on Thursday night.

Among one of the budget discussions was the Bloomington Police Department Budget hearing. Bloomington Police Department Chief Mike Diekhoff presented a budget of 14.7 million dollars for 2021, this is a decrease of approximately 40 thousand dollars from the 2020 budget.

The largest contributor to the decreased budget amount was a lowering in the number of maximum sworn officers from 105 down to 100. BPD would then use these funds for two neighborhood resource officers and two social workers. BPD is historically the most funded department in the city, according to a Hearld Times report.

Over 200 people attended the zoom meeting to hear the police department budget proposal. Public comment lasted approximately 2 and a half hours. During the meeting council members discussed concerns for budgeting funds for purchases and use of non lethal weapons, such as tear gas and sponge rounds as well as gas masks.

During the straw poll vote, only council member Dave Rollo voted in favor of the BPD budget. Counselors Ron Smith and Susan Sandberg voted against while Steve Volan, Matt Flaherty, Jim Sims, Sue Sgmabelluri, Kate Rosenbarger and Isabel Piedmont-Smith abstained.

The city council is able to decrease funds in appropriations, but cannot add money.

Council member Jim Sims stated in the meeting that Bloomington is headed into rough times but will work to do as much as possible for the constituents.

The final budget process will begin on September 30th and a final vote on the budget as a whole will be heard on October 14th.


The Bloomington Board of Public Works approved an operation agreement for seated scooters with VeoRide during their August 18th meeting. City Attorney Mike Rouker said the seated scooters cannot be licensed.

Rouker said a trial quantity of 25 scooters would be deployed in Bloomington. He said the trial period would last 8 weeks. He said seated scooters are held to the same rules as standing scooters. Director of Economic and Sustainable Development Alex Crowley said VeoRide has a constant watch on their product.

VeoRide Representative Ben Thomas said VeoRide would hold demonstration events and distribute about 250 helmets to potential riders. Rouker described the timeline of the scooter trial period.

Thomas said 15 miles per hour is the top speed for seated scooters.

Now it’s time for your feature reports.

  1. WFHB Correspondent Aaron Comforty talks to Forrest Gilmore, executive director of the Shalom Community Center about evictions in Indiana.
  2. Bloomington’s first ever shoe strike is set to happen within the next couple months as a part of the Yellowwood Youth organization. WFHB Correspondent, Katrine Bruner talks with Founder of the organization, Josie Sparks on the inspiration for the event.
  3. Diane Walker, contributor for the Limestone Post, continues an ongoing series for WFHB about rental assistance in the wake of the expiration of the eviction moratorium in Indiana. Today, she continues her interview with Jacob Sipe, executive director of Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. This is Part III. of her series.

You’ve been listening to the WFHB Local News,
Today’s headlines were written by Aaron Comforty and Sydney Foreman, in partnership with Cats – Community Access Television Services.
Our feature was produced by Katrine Bruner, Diane Walker with help from Melanie Davis.

Our theme music is provided by Mark Bingham and the Social Climbers.
Executive producer is Kade Young.

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