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Lil BUB’s Lil Show, Episode 26: Helping injured or vulnerable wild animals + concerns with free-roaming pet cats


If you see a wild animal that is alive but injured, such as from a domestic animal or a car, there are a few things you can do to potentially help. Tune in to hear a few pieces of advice from local wildlife rehabilitator WildCare.

Plus, tune in to hear about how free-roaming cats can negatively impact on our native bird and small animal populations – and solutions to limit predation while allowing a pet cat to experience the joys of being outside.

(photo source: WildCare’s Facebook page)

Lil BUB’s Lil Show
 is a co-production of WFHB and Lil BUB’s Big Fund
Segment production by Christine Brackenhoff and Stacy Bridavsky
Audio support provided by Mike Bridavsky
Theme music: “A Friend” by Lil BUB

Support for featured pets can be made through Lil BUB’s Big Fund, following the link here.

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