Home > News & Public Affairs > Interchange – Danielle Bachant-Bel – Bloomington Restorations Incorporated

Interchange – Danielle Bachant-Bel – Bloomington Restorations Incorporated


Host Lisa Morrison interviews Danielle Bachant-Bell from Bloomington Restorations Incorporated, a private not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Bloomington and Monroe County’s historic architecture and old neighborhoods. Our discussion focuses on the organization’s unique headquarters, the historical Hinkle-Garton farmstead. Plans for the Hinkle-Garton farmstead focus on making the property an educational resource for the local community and the region, using workshops, activities, displays, tours, and events that highlight the sorts of traditional practices that took place on family farms. The property will also serve as a location for learning practical techniques on related topics such as small scale farming and preservation of houses, farm structures, and landscapes. Learn about the history of Bloomington’s favorite flower garden and the music teacher who cared for it!

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