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Haley Moss is the first openly autistic lawyer to be sworn into the Florida Bar. DYLAN JACKSON/ALM

Introducing Disabulletin, the first WFHB news segment featuring the top stories of the disability community


Today, we begin a new segment on WFHB dedicated to shining a light on an often overshadowed community in our nation, those who are physically and mentally diverse. The purpose of this new feature is to feature one guest each week who will inform our audience about the latest trends in the Disability Rights community and how they have contributed to strengthening this group’s voice in challenging and changing political and social perceptions. As someone on the Autism Spectrum, I believe it is important that with the recent awareness of acceptance for neurological and physically diverse individuals, one must use a multitude of outlets to drive this trend forward. I hope that through this program, we can inspire and provide a voice for a group whose populous must be taken into account in society. Just the same, we recognize the importance and expectation of fair and accurate reporting and we intend to meet it. So together, let’s begin this journey of discovery and appreciation with an individual who smashes the concept of disability and molds it into ability.

Haley Moss is a pop artist, lawyer, and renowned disability rights advocate.

Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at three-years-old, her parents were told she would be lucky to have one friend, make it through high school and take the test for her driver’s license. A lot of people on the spectrum do not go to college, or are unemployed, or do go and may not succeed. She was one of the ones who thrived.

After graduating from the University of Florida in 2015 with a Bachelors of Arts and a Bachelors of Science in Criminology and Psychology respectively, Moss attended Law school at the University of Miami, graduating in 2018. A year later, Moss was sworn into the Florida bar, making history by becoming the first openly Autistic female attorney in the state.

On January 10, Haley Moss took her oath to become a practicing attorney in Florida. She is the first openly autistic lawyer in the state. Courtesy Haley Moss.

Today, Haley is a sought-after speaker who speaks about autism, diversity and inclusion, women on the spectrum, neurodiversity in the workplace and more.

She is the author of four books Middle School: The Stuff Nobody Tells You About and A Freshman Survival Guide for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Stuff Nobody Tells You About, The Young Autistic’s Independence Guide, and Great Minds Think Differently.

She has also contributed articles commenting on current disability rights issues to news outlets including HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Elite Daily and The Mighty and can be heard as one half of the podcast Spectrumly Speaking, a podcast featuring autistic women who are leaders in their respective fields.

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