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City Council Expands Sexual Harassment Protections


In their meeting last night, the Bloomington City Council approved expanding city code to provide sexual harassment protection for contractors, volunteers, and interns.

The discrimination code has also been revised with non-binary language. It now references “they” in addition to the standard “he” and “she” references.

The council considered the idea of establishing an independent commission to handle potential sexual harassment complaints involving elected officials and upper level city managers. But Barbara McKinney, director of the Bloomington Human Rights Commission and assistant city attorney, said appropriate internal and external appeal processes already exist. McKinney clarified that redress through the I-C-R-C and the E-O-C are only available to city employees, not contractors.

In last week’s council meeting, Council member Jim Sims said recent allegations against Monroe County Commissioner Amanda Barge were driving the city’s policy changes. Those allegations were launched by former county contractor Brandon Drake, who accused Barge of dismantling his job after he rejected her advances.

Council member Isabel Piedmont Smith asked McKinney how the city would handle a hypothetical sexual harassment complaint about the mayor. Piedmont Smith also asked McKinney how the city would inform others about its amended sexual harassment policy. McKinney said that city volunteers and interns would be informed of the harassment policy at orientation sessions. She also addressed the new requirement that contractors have their company’s sexual harassment and affirmative action policies on file with the city.

Council members Dave Rollo and Jim Sims said the council could further amend and revise its discrimination code if needed in the future. The Bloomington Common Council unanimously passed the harassment policy changes. Council Member Alison Chopra was absent from last night’s meeting.

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